孟加拉要求歐盟撤銷兩成蝦送檢的規定 孟加拉貿易代表團近日赴布魯塞爾訪歐洲執委會健康暨消費者保護總署(SANCO)、海洋事務委員會秘書長、水產品進口商暨加工業者聯盟(SIPA)主席及歐盟貿易總署副祕書長進行會談,尋求解決冷凍水產品出口辦公室出租相關問題,會中向歐盟提出撤銷強制孟加拉出口冷凍蝦20%送檢的訴求。該團向歐盟強調孟加拉漁業部(DOF)已加派專業技術人員進駐配備最新強化檢驗能力儀器的實驗室;並結合DOF、孟加拉科學暨產業研究會(BCSIR)、孟加拉農業研究所(BARI)、原子能源委婚禮顧問員會(AEC)等國內可用的研究室資源及專門技術,並成立孟加拉實驗室聯盟;馬里蘭大學、美國食品及藥物管理局(USFDA)也同意協助食品安全暨應用營養聯合研究所(JIFSAN);同時落實確保食品安全、環境永續利用、社會責任及勞動標準的訓練員養成計劃太平洋房屋(TOT)。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 19/2010)EU URGED TO WITHDRAW 20% MANDATORY TESTING ON SHRIMPBangladesh has requested the European Union (EU) to withdraw the 20% mandatory testing offrozen shrimp consignments exported 房屋二胎from Bangladesh. The appeal was made when a tradedelegation recently visited Brussels to resolve problems regarding export of frozen seafoodfrom Bangladesh. The discussion was made with the Health and Consumers 房屋買賣DirectorateGeneral, European Commission (SANCO), Director General, Maritime Affairs, President,Seafood Importers and Processors Alliance (SIPA) and Deputy Director General for Trade,EU.The delegation informed the EU that the G2000Department of Fisheries (DOF) has strengthened thetesting capacities of the laboratories by installing new equipment and employing additionaltechnical manpower. Besides, an alliance of laboratories in Bangladesh has been seoestablishedbetween DOF, Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (BCSIR), BangladeshAgriculture Research Institute (BARI) and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to pool all thelaboratory resources and technical 帛琉expertise available in the country. Moreover, collaborationhas been developed with the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN)with assistance from the University of Maryland and USFDA. A Training of 會場佈置Trainers (TOT)programme has been undertaken for ensuring food safety and environmental sustainability,social compliance and labour standard.

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